Saturday, August 6, 2022

The Death of al-Zawahri

 I subscribe to the New York Times online edition and am a frequent replier to articles. I use my own name, Stephen, and indicate that I live in Indianapolis, I am not ashamed of my opinions, nor do I try to hide who or where I am. Recently, the past two submissions of mine have gone "unpublished" so I thought I would post them here. In response to an article about the death of the terrorist, al-Zawahri, I wrote:

He's dead. I'm glad. I just wish we had been able to do it by means other than a drone strike. I understand why it was done that way in this case, what with the possibility of collateral damage and all, but I still wish we had been able to do it in the same way we took out bin-Laden. I like knowing that the last thing bin-Laden saw before exiting this life was a pissed-off American with a rifle. It makes me smile every time I think about it. I'm thinking about it right now, and I'm smiling. I just wish we could have given al-Zawahri the same send-off. Still, he's dead, and I'm glad.

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