Wednesday, July 29, 2020

I'm back! (Crickets and tumbleweeds in the background)

Yeah, I know. It's been thirteen years since my last post, but hey, who's counting. So what brings me out of my self imposed absence from blogging? Something on the scale between mind-numbing boredom, having watched Everything there is worth watching and even some stuff that isn't, and soul crushing frustration with the Trump Administration. I was critical of the George W. Bush administration on my blog, Blogging My Life, which I wrote for a long time before creating this blog. Unfortunately, just as I was intending to devote more time to blogging, politics in particular, life got a lot busier for me as far as work and relationship, and life continued to get more painful in the form of progressing cases of Ankylosing's Spondylitis, Costochondritis, and increasing peripheral neuropathy in my right leg as a result of a parachuting accident in the Army. Anyhoo, after an extended absence, I intend to write more on both blogs, and I hope to do so in a way that is interesting and thought provoking for the reader, as well as providing me with a way to try to stay sane. So here we go!