Saturday, November 11, 2006

Olberman Nails Bush's Ass to the Wall

I love Keith Olberman. In a special comment the night before the elections, Olberman exposes Mr. Bush, once again, as the liar he is.

Friday, November 10, 2006

A Cartoon from Mr. Fish

Impeach For Peace

Thanks to Causal, who left a comment on my last post, for leaving the URL to a website that shows how the American people can help to change the minds of Congress as regards the Imeachment of Mr. Bush. The website is Impeach For Peace. Go there now, download the forms, and play a part in impeaching the President.

Thursday, November 9, 2006

Impeach Now!

So, I've been listening to Air America radio for most of the day, and the callers are, by almost a 10 to 1 margin, in support of impeaching Mr. Bush. Why is it that our newly elected leaders do not see what the common person sees? Why do they not realize that we must make a statement to the future? For the sake of America's future we must say to future presidential hopefuls that they cannot lie, cheat and steal elections away from the people. We must say to
them that they cannot chip away at the freedoms guaranteed to us by the Constitution and tell us its for our own good.

For the past six years, Mr. Bush has led us down a path towards fascism. Don't
believe me? Look at this definition of the term from American Heritage Dictionary Online:

"A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a
dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism."

Marked by centralization of authority under a dictator... Check. When Tom Delay and other Republican senators across the country engaged in their illegal "gerrymandering" of congressional districts, that was an attempt to bring society under a centralized authority (the Republicans).

Suppression of the opposition through [the threat of] terrorism and censorship... Check. In 2004, When Dick Cheney told the country that if we voted for John Kerry we would be attacked by terrorists, that was suppression of the opposition through terrorism. Just last week, when Mr. Bush told the country that a vote for the Democrats was a vote for the terrorists, that was suppression through terrorism. One of the forms censorship has taken is in the government's not allowing pictures of flag draped coffins to be shown. They don't want us to know about the toll Mr. Bush's War for Oil has been taking. It has nothing to do with privacy or respect for the families, it has everything to do with this
administration being terrified of an informed population.

A policy of belligerent nationalism and racism. Check. We attacked and overthrew a sovereign nation that posed no threat to us. Under the auspices of the Christian Right, a brutal (and very hypocritical as it turns out) attack on the rights of homosexuals has been the norm. Also, Bush's refusal to do anything to help the victims of Hurricane Katrina, most of whom are black, shows this administration's inherent racism.

So, check, check and check. Three criteria out of four in the definition of fascism have been met under this president. In order to make a statement to the future, in order to safeguard this country against fascism in the future, we must impeach Mr. Bush NOW.

Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Partisanship Shoudn't Die Just Yet

I heard Senator Reid say yesterday that one of the top things on the agenda in the new Congress will be "the reconciliation of the parties." And Nancy Palosi is all over MSNBC talking about a "spirit of bi-partisanship." I do believe that we need
those things..., but let's not be too hasty. There are some heads that NEED to roll first, first among them, that of the President.

Its not about revenge. This president has gone to great lengths to subvert and evade the Constitution of the United States, and there can be no bi-partisanship, there can be no reconciliation until this president has been publicly "smacked down" as a historical reminder to future presidents that this kind of activity will not be tolerated and cannot repeated.

This president has amassed more power to himself than any past president, and he has used that power to spy on American citizens, to roll back the Bill Of Rights, and, by use of the signing signature, to exempt himself from laws that he doesn't like. These
things alone are reason enough for Articles of Impeachment to be brought against Mr. Bush. More than this, this president has been the very author of the partisanship and polarization that has plagued this country, and he must be called to account for his uses of fear and terror in order to divide the people of this country.

All the corruption of this Congress, from the Jack Abramoff scandal, the Foley cover-up, the voter fraud of the 2000 elections in Ohio and Florida, the Haliburton scandals, Tom DeLay's scandals, the utter failure of the policies and war plans for Iraq, Bob Ney's scandals, energy policy being decided by oil company leaders behind closed doors and with no public accountability, ALL OF IT (click the link to go to Salon's list of all the Republican scandals) done under the auspices of the Bush administration and the unprecedented secrecy in which it chose to operate. This president has, on so many levels, undermined the foundations of our Democratic way of life and has sought, by whatever means available, to guarantee the continuation of power by his own party, and he has brought us as close to fascism as we could ever want to come.

Finally, Goerge W. Bush must be impeached because of the lies he told the country concerning Iraq. Iraq was never an immanent threat to the U.S. There were no WMD's, and there were no high level contacts between Iraq and Al-Qeada. This was a war for oil, and Mr. Bush lied to us at every juncture in the run up to hostilities. His minions criscrossed the country telling us that the evidence was going to be a "mushroom cloud," and that they knew "exactly where the WMD's are."

Yes I agree that we must be willing to join hands with the Republicans and try to move forward in a spirit of bi-patisanship. But Mr. Bush is a boil on the ass politik that must be lanced, now.