Thursday, February 15, 2007

A Winning Ticket

I know, I know, it's been far too long between posts. I guess I've basked for too long in the warm glow of the Democrats having taken over both houses of Congress. But enough basking! I am here to recommend, what I believe to be, an outstanding Democratic ticket for President and Vice-President of the United States.

For President, I nominate Nobel Peace Prize nominee Al Gore. He's brilliant and he has the experience to do the job. As Vice-President to Bill Clinton, Gore helped balance the budget and helped to create a multi-billion dollar surplus in the national treasury that has since been squandered by Mr. George Bush.

For Vice-President, I nominate Wisconsin Senator Russ Feingold. He's the only person in either the House or the Senate to have the balls to call for the impeachment of Mr. Bush. That's not his only qualification, it's just a really, really good one though.

Tell me what you think. Could you vote for this ticket?