So, we're now seeing lots of conservatives and Republicans in Washington D.C. resigning over what happened at the capital Wednesday. That's good! They should resign. But the simple fact of the matter is, every law maker in Washington D.C. with an R behind their name is partially responsible for what happened Wednesday. Republican lawmakers in Washington who have parroted Donald Trump's lies, who have made excuses for his daily assaults on the Constitution, Republican lawmakers who cowered in fear of a mean tweet from Dear Leader Trump, all of you are complicit in what happened on Wednesday. And now, after the nation and the world watched what happens when people are lied to by their leaders, fed a steady diet of conspiracy theories, told that an election was being stolen from them, and had it all validated by a small, petty, demagogue wanna-be and his sycophant toadies, eight Senators and over one hundred House members stood and perpetuated the lies and conspiracy theories of voter fraud. Remember their names because these are the people who are laying claim to to the racists and ultra-nationalists that make up Trump's hardcore base.
Never mind the fact this election was deemed the most secure, possibly in history, by handpicked Trump people, most notably former Attorney General Bill Barr and former head of CISA (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency) Chris Krebs. Krebs was fired by Trump - by tweet - when he thoroughly debunked Trump's lies about there being widespread voter fraud. Barr was given a few days to resign after he too said there was no voter fraud or wrongdoing by the individual states.
Donald Trump is clearly a danger to our Democracy. He has stoked and magnified the fears of unhinged conspiracy theorists. The terror attacks of Wednesday were advertised for weeks by Trump. Donald Trump needs to be removed from office immediately, either by the Twenty-Fifth Amendment or by Impeachment.