Saturday, October 3, 2020

Full Speed Ahead!

    Whoever advised Vice President Biden to stop running his attack ads in critical states should be fired immediately.  Just because Donald Trump is stupid enough to go and get himself infected is no reason to hold back anything. Now is the time to really put the campaign into overdrive and not let up til the day after the election. Do you really think the Trump campaign would let up on Joe out of some sense of trying to come together as Americans? Of course not, the idea wouldn't even enter their heads. But that's what the Democrats are doing. "This cannot be a partisan moment," says Vice President Biden, "It must be an American moment. We have to come together as a nation," he went on to say. 
    Very good sentiments, but let's not kid ourselves about how the Trump campaign would handle things if it were Vice President Biden who was sick and not able to campaign for at least two weeks. They would likely increase the number of attack ads, not decrease them! 

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